Saunders spin casting machines

Saunders Mark V spin casting machine
I’ve starting running a series on my personal blog on the Saunders bob-weight spin casting machines I use at Fighting 15s. I’ve never been able to find out much about the machines, made by the now defunct N Saunders Metal Products Ltd. This is my personal experience of using them to get the best results, and the articles have been prompted by the acquisition of a second machine that needs repairing and refurbishing. Other users’ mileage may well vary.
Part 1, introducing the machine, is at:
Part 2, dealing with a personal mod to get casting pressure right, is at:
Part 3 looks at repairs and refurbishment. It’s a work in progress and is at
Part 4 looks at a new arrival – a virtually mint Mark V Saunders.
Part 5 will cover casting tips.