Martian Empires Venus supplement

The Venus supplement for Martian Empires is at first proof stage, and Mike is currently checking it over. We still have pictures to take and some maps to get drawn.
The supplement, working title From Venus With Love, includes:
History of the Anderson expedition to Venus
Lizardmen army list
Two scenarios
Revised British army lists taking in errata
FAQs and errata
I believe Mike intends it to be available as a free PDF. Mike will also no doubt think of a better title than one I pinched from The Avengers.
Designing something in anger again has sparked renewed my enthusiasm for print editions of the Huzzah! Napoleonic rules. I am currently looking at the fast-play grand tactical edition again (project title: Huzzah! GTx) with a view to publication, particularly as it would suit the forthcoming 3mm Napoleonics from Oddzial Osmy. The rules for this are complete and work, but the army lists need knocking into shape. It’s conceivable that something may be available by the time the 10th birthday of Huzzah! comes around.