Huzzah! – the first edition of these tactical Napoleonic wargames rules is available at Oozlum Games (see links below).
The first edition of Huzzah! is free. In spite of the age of these rules, created in 2001 and still going in 2020, they remain largely unbroken since the 2006/2007 revisions and a new revision is some time off. Huzzah! is a concept set of rules, used as a platform to develop games such as Martian Empires.
Work at Fighting 15s continues to get in the way of development of Huzzah! and its spin-offs, but now we are focused purely on Fighting 15s and Gladiator Miniatures, more time should, in theory, become available to resume work on developing rules.
Updates are available on the Gladiator Miniatures and Fighting 15s Facebook pages at and There is no longer an active Yahoo! group after Yahoo! abandoned its discussion forums.
Huzzah! uses two ordinary six-sided dice throughout and relies on the quality of officers to get their commands moving. As a morale-based game, it makes a feature of the reluctance of men to close with the enemy.
Two-player games are best at a division a side, with three or four brigades for each player providing an evening’s game. Multi-player games can go much larger, and the command and orders system is written to accommodate multi-brigade up to multi-corps games.
The base units in Huzzah! are the infantry battalion, cavalry regiment and artillery battery, and the rules can accommodate a variety of basing systems.
Four Adobe Acrobat files comprise Huzzah!, all of which are downloadable here for free. You will need all four files to play and get the best understanding of Huzzah!
Downloads (you will be taken to the Oozlum Games site for these files):
All files (zipped PDFs):
Huzzah! Book 1: Main Rules v1.11 Huzzah_Book_1 (570K)
Huzzah! Book 2: Army Lists, v1.12 Huzzah_Book_2 (390K)
Huzzah! Book 3: Diagrams & FAQs v1.1 Huzzah_Book_3 (1.2MB)
Huzzah! Playsheet, v1.11 Huzzah_Playsheet (100K)
Huzzah! is copyright 2001, 2020 Ian Marsh and Oozlum Games. Huzzah! is a trademark of Oozlum Games
Updated: 23 July 2020