Flags for AB releases Young Guard fanions in 15mm

Believe it or not, Fighting 15s is still filling out the 15mm Napoleonic Flags for AB range of paper flags, and we’ve tracked down some more useful additions for the French. We have two new releases, both containing 13 flags, with each sheet costing GBP3.25 including VAT.
Sheet FRA-F43, Imperial Guard Fanions (1809 to 1815), contains: Official and unofficial Fusilier fanions (4 total), Tirailleurs fanions (4 total, including 1st and 5th Tirailleur-Grenadiers), Voltigeurs fanions (5 total including 1st and 13th)
Sheet FRA-F44, Imperial Guard and Line Infantry Fanions (1806 to 1815), contains: Official and unofficial Flanquers fanions (2 total), Pupilles fanion (1), squadron and company standard Mamelukes of the Guard (2 flags total), Imperial Guard and line infantry fanions (7 total, probable designs), and the 7th light infantry 4th battalion fanion (because we can do it).
The Mamelukes are a strange omission from the original range of flags, and because the second company was part of the Young Guard we have taken to opportunity to include standards in this release.
Both sheets are available now in the Fighting 15s shop.