Fighting 15s' thoughts on Brexit

Anyone who cares to skip across to my personal blog (The Strange Worlds of Orun hi Kharsan) will find my personal thoughts on Brexit and its effect on small UK wargames businesses such as Fighting 15s.
In an area of debate where politicians of both sides appear to be able to get away with audacious lies about the effects of remaining in the EU or leaving, I have tried to keep simply to the economic facts regarding how VAT and tax collection works across borders where a tax frontier exists. Facts that anyone can check online using official tariff and import guides, rather than relying on a statement by a politician.
I am, of course, pro-Europe and the EU for two main reasons: first, because Fighting 15s trades extensively within the EU to the extent that 45% of Fighting 15s’ business comes from Europe (it’s about 50% from the UK and 5% from outside the EU). Second, my daughter is technically an immigrant in Sweden, and has the ability to live and work there, and pursue her sporting dreams (she ice skates at a very high level for Sweden’s Team Surprise because as an EU citizen she has the right to do so.
Yet I remain proudly British, proud to be a British business actively trading with Europe and making contacts and friends across the continent, and as a result I feel that I and Fighting 15s have a strong British identity within Europe and the EU.
My own view is that Brexit would be economic suicide for the small UK wargames business that trades with Europe, based on the simple effects of VAT and import tax collection outlined at You may well disagree. 😀