Fighting 15s has enhanced its range of 15mm paper flags for the Russian Napoleonic army by including flags for the third battalions of infantry regiments. Each sheet now has 12 instead of eight flags, and contains flags for two regiments, with one white flag and five coloured flags for each infantry regiment.
Each sheet still costs £3.25 including VAT, and is zero-weighted for delivery in the online shop, so customers can order any number of sheets of flags and still pay only the base delivery charge for an order.
While Fighting 15s exhausts stocks of the old sheets, customers may be provided with two eight-flag sheets to provide the requisite number of flags.
Fighting 15s has changed the make-up of these sheets to cope with the upcoming 200th anniversary of Borodino, for which a number of customers are already preparing. Fighting 15s has in the past been asked about a solution to providing flags for third battalions other than buying a second sheet of flags, and Ian’s response has usually been along the lines of “I’d have to be mad to re-do the entire range”. So certify him. 🙂
Fighting 15s apologizes for not illustrating the flags online: this is to reduce abuse of copyright.