Fighting 15s gets set to walk the Wight again

I am walking the Wight again on 13 May 2012, raising money for the Earl Mountbatten Hospice – the only hospice on the Isle of Wight. I last did this in 2010, when I raised over £400, largely thanks to donations made by Fighting 15s’ customers.
One of those generous customers is no longer with us, having been claimed way too young by pancreatic cancer. So this year I’m walking partly in memory of him and of the fantastic conversations we used to have about our toy soldiers. And partly I’m walking it again because the hospice does such fantastic work here on the Isle of Wight.
Walking the Wight involves covering the distance from Bembridge airport in the east to the Needles in the west – a distance that if walked in a straight line would involve getting your feet rather wet at the end. It’s around 28 miles, and I plan to cover the distance in about 10 hours. I’ll have a few days to recover and regain use of my legs before heading off for Triples in Sheffield.
I have a Just Giving page for customers to sponsor my walk at: My walker number is 2218.
For more details about Walk the Wight and the Earl Mountbatten Hospice, go to