Fighting 15s: Countdown to retirement

Fighting 15s and Gladiator Miniatures will cease casting on 1 October 2025, one day before I hit 65. I repeat, 1 October 2025, so that’s next year…

There’s a variable. I bought a consignment of casting metal in August with the aim of carrying on the business until that metal is gone. That means casting may cease sooner than 1 October 2025. This advance notice will allow customers to complete armies or projects before I stop casting. I also have a few projects to complete.

I am retiring five years earlier than I intended. The past few months have confirmed that I sometimes find it difficult to carry out key tasks, such as casting. A combination of injuries, general tiredness arising from bouts of Covid (it takes me about two months to get perky and motivated again), and heat exhaustion in the summer months are basically telling me to stop. As is my wife. 🙂 The flags will probably continue to be available.

The Gladiator Miniatures ranges and name will therefore go up for sale; the Fighting 15s name is not for sale because it is uniquely linked to me, and since acquiring the rights in 2018 I have tried to rebuild the Gladiator Miniatures brand. Also, if I continue to sell flags I need to trade as Fighting 15s. The business is a going concern with a turnover of around £20,000 a year and net profit of typically £5,000 (i.e. a small pension). I will only be looking at selling to a buyer within the UK.

Fighting 15s and Gladiator Miniatures