Fancy owning a classical Greek army in 15mm for less than the price of some plastics? Well, now it’s possible with the arrival of the Classical Greek army pack and booster sets for L’Art de la Guerre (ADLG), created for Fighting 15s by ADLG expert
Our new 15mm Classical Greek army pack (code AWA007), cast in lead-free pewter, contains 104 foot figures and 13 mounted figures all for just £39.95 inc VAT, making the equivalent price less than 31p per foot figure. Based on army list 60 in version 4 of ADLG, the pack will provide a good start to creating a 200-point army for the rules. As an added benefit, all the hoplites in the army are one-piece castings – their cast spears and cast-on shields mean no fiddly assembly and no need to buy extra packs of spears. The shields have been designed with flat faces, making the application of shield transfers much easier.
To get the army up to strength, the following booster packs are available:
AWB018 Classical Greek hoplites
AWB019 Classical Greek skirmishers
AWB020 Thessalian cavalry
AWB021 Thracians and peltasts
Booster packs cost £12 each inc VAT and contain either 32 infantry or 16 mounted figures (an equivalent price of 37.5p per foot figure).
The army and booster packs are also backed by our existing standard and command packs in the Gladiator Miniatures Hellenistics range. Standard packs contain 8 infantry or 4 mounted at £3.80 inc VAT; command packs typically contain 5 foot or 3 mounted at £2.85 inc VAT. All Gladiator Miniatures are cast to order.
ADLG Mega packs are available only direct from Fighting 15s at: