Category Archives: TT:120

Gladiator Miniatures: 15mm Japanese Schoolgirl Zombies

Our freshly unleashed heroes pack of Japanese schoolgirl zombie killers is, inevitably, followed by the first zeroes pack in our 15mm Generation 5GZ range: Japanese schoolgirl zombies. Alas, not all of Miss Kaguya Kitagawa’s students are as diligent and skilful as others, and soon the surviving young women of her school for the advancement of […]

Gladiator Miniatures: 15mm Japanese Schoolgirl Zombie Killers

The first hero pack in our Generation 5GZ range of 15mm modern civilians, zombies and zombie killers is now available: Tampopo House from Miss Kaguya Kitagawa’s school for the advancement of young ladies, aka The Katana Killers. These charming and refined Japanese schoolgirls come armed with an assortment of hand weapons: katanas, wakizashi, tsuruhashi, naginata […]

Fighting 15s: Etsy option for EU customers

In light of recent communications from EU customers, Fighting 15s has opened a trial Etsy store at The store only contains our Generation 5GZ range of modern 15mm figures, zombies and zombie hunters, as these seem a good fit with the types of products available through Etsy. We are reluctant to offer a mainstream […]