Category Archives: News

Fighting 15s goes Dutch

We have just added to the range of 15mm Flags for AB with the following Hanoverian, Dutch, and Dutch-Belgian flags: HAN-F01 Hanoverian Legion, plus Hanoverian infantry 1813-15 (10) DUT-F01 Kingdom of Holland infantry 1806-10 (8) DUT-F02 United Provinces infantry 1815 (8) DUT-F03 United Provinces jagers & militia 1815 (8) DUT-F04 Holland 1806-10 and United Provinces […]

Fighting 15s health update

As some of you may be aware, I was discharged from hospital recently after the eye department decided my eyes had stabilised sufficiently. I have now had another eye test and should have new glasses in about two weeks which I hope will correct my eyesight. At present, however, it is still taking several hours […]

Huzzah! revised

I have recently revised the first edition of Huzzah!, my tactical Napoleonic wargames rules, to incorporate some more observations by players. The changes are minor and largely clarifications, but one makes a difference to the points system and another makes a difference to sighting the guns in artillery bombardment. The rules are available for download […]

Flags for AB

The 15mm Flags for AB and Liebfahne flags, formerly available through AB Figures in the UK, are now in the online shop. There is also a downloadable list in Links. In future we intend to expand this range to fill in gaps in the Napoleonics, and to take it into other periods for which Fighting […]

The SFSFW Awards 2005

Fighting 15s with Black Hat Miniatures came first in the Best SF Miniatures: 20mm or smaller category of the Society of Fantasy and Science Fiction Wargamers (SFSFW) awards for 2005. As Black Hat's supplier in 2005 Fighting 15s cannot really take any credit for this, as it all belongs to Mike Lewis at Black Hat. […]