Category Archives: 40mm

Fighting 15s: 40mm Portuguese Napoleonic Infantry

Fighting 15s announces the latest release for its Flashing Blade range of 40mm figures: Portuguese Napoleonic infantry. The new releases join the existing line-up of Portuguese cacadores. There are two types of Portuguese infantry: the early version for 1806 in barretina with hide pack and French musket, and the later 1811 version in British-supplied uniforms […]

More reworked 40mm Greek hoplites

More reworked 40mm Greek hoplites GRK004

Four more Greek hoplites have joined the number of codes that Fighting 15s has reworked from the former 40mm Flashing Blade range. We’ve made new moulds from master castings and rationalised what were codes GRK004 and GRK009 (previously G04 and G09) into one set of codes, because they all share the same body. One new […]

Reworked 40mm Greek hoplite leaders

grk001 greek hoplite leader spear at rest

Work on remastering the 40mm former Flashing Blade range continues at Fighting 15s with reworked versions of the Greek hoplite leaders. We’ve made new moulds and sorted out the issues with the fit of the arms in the shoulder joints. The codes for the leader are now: GRK001 Greek hoplite leader with spear at rest […]

40mm Napoleonic Spanish Grenadiers

40mm spanish napoleonic grenadiers

  Fighting 15s has begun expanding its offering of 40mm Napoleonics figures with the addition of three codes for Spanish grenadiers. Originally commissioned and produced privately by Alan Mercer, these figures are now owned by Fighting 15s. They join the range previously produced by Flashing Blade that we acquired way back in 2012 and have […]

Fighting 15s completes purchase of 40mm Flashing Blade lines

Fighting 15s has formally completed the purchase of the 40mm ranges formerly made by Southampton-based Flashing Blade, and which Fighting 15s has been keeping in production. The 40mm ranges include Romano-British and Dark Ages Saxons, Ancient Greeks and Skeletons, and Napoleonic Portuguese Cacadores. Over the next few months Fighting 15s will be tightening up the […]

Fighting 15s agrees purchase of 40mm Flashing Blade lines

Fighting 15s has reached an agreement with Mark Rowsell of Flashing Blade to buy the 40mm ranges formerly made by the Southampton-based company, and which Fighting 15s has been keeping in production while Mark has been sorting out his life. Buying the 40mm ranges, which include Romano-British and Dark Ages Saxons, Ancient Greeks and Skeletons, […]